《做个病人先》 be patient~~ XD
本来打算用英语的,但是实在太闲了,需要耗些时间,就决定用华文了。#peace!# (
某人教的,是 ^.^ v 的意思,什么屁啦!哈哈)
日期: 10/01/09
时间:8.29 pm
地点:Nigel 房间
今天晚上Nigel 要去教会,没有人带我们去吃,又不想去Cengal,离宿舍最近的食肆 (糟糕了,感觉好像被宠坏了,一直出去吃 >.<) ,也不太想出门(宅男嘛),在思考着要吃什么时,阿帮就冒了一句 ”叫pizza 咯!” 。哇,这不行叻,差不多隔两天就heavy meal, 比萨啦,麦当当啦,汉堡王啦(超大牛肉汉堡,有机会附图,饥饿30后绝对值得吃),差不多都吃完了。心想这主意真是馊到不行,但是没办法,太宅了,就好咯。(真是后悔让阿帮知道网上订购比萨的好,完全符合他的平靓正原则 !#$@!$@)
订购当然是由我来咯,五个人吃的分量,我就叫了两个网上订购有优惠的配套,分别是两个大的(一厚一薄,薄的是送的)和两个中的(同大),都差不多够了,面粉嘛,吃多也是假饱现象。再加上两碗蘑菇汤(我的其中一样最爱)!Eeiii,价钱来了哦~~59令吉55仙!五个大男人吃耶,一个人还不到12令吉,吃得饱,应该还算划得来嘛 ^^ 所以建议各位下次如果要吃比萨的话,可以用网上订购,网址是www.pizzahutonline.com.
嗯,我不会和你们说那傻子叫陈子梁的~~ XD
一定以为只是随便用热水烫吧?你错了!高级宅男是用饭锅的叻!*神气神气* 可惜我忘了拍!哎呀,没关系,四十包,慢慢拍。。呵呵。。
A little incident happened to day and make me realized, things happened everyday but things become something when you really look into it, think about it.
Date: 9 Jan 2009
Time : 11.13 am
Venue: My hostel on my bed
# Today morning when I wake up (I know its quite late), automatically will move my hand beside my pillow to reach for my phone to know what time is it, but GOSH!! I touch NOTHING!! In 1.25second (the reaction is better than athlete ^^) , I jump up from bed and start to search my bed my room my drawer crazily while shouting like a mad people. (my roommate sure get shocker, poor mate =.=). Then I run to upstair Nigel and Pc room to search since there is the last place I went last night but cant find both of my phone also, then I leave them with “oh shit!” without even telling them what had happened ( ya I know you guys get shock SORRY YA!). Then I run back to my room and trying to search again and thanks to my roommate lend me his phone,I only found my phone hiding BESIDE MY BED! !#@%$@!#$%!!!!
Wondering why I cant even remain calm, but this is reasonable, since its about “TIME” and “HANDPHONE” , I care about time and most important is I get nervous when my phone not beside me, not about the money nor about my sim card my contact, its about I DON’T WANNA MISS A CALL FROM YOU ,LEE GEOK HOON!
#Ya right she is now in national service and a call is so precious!
FINALLY!! here you are—noob tT @ Teddy!
Finally made this decision to create a blog, wondering why? Please tell me u do wondering even you don’t, as a tiny little support ok? *wink*
Reason: er…should put an “S” behind Reason since I have many reasons pushing me to create a blog, but I lazy to either move my mouse or even use the arrow key, so just leave it..hoho (guess my fren will say: diao,so lazy dun write lar @@).
#1 Reason : Nothing better to do in tis big big campus--simply to “isi masa lapang”
Plus not feeling to mix with girls although my mom always told me “上大学了大把leng lui”, but as an advise, dun trust mom 100%.haha!! And cant be playing dota or crazy with Nigel, Pc(LPC), Pang, Liang and Mongkok whole day, so decide to start BLOGGING!(my roommate sure stress out now, I guess he thought I am studying or rushing for assignment >.< )
#2 Reason : To be fair to my friends who I always “lepak-ing” on their blog anonymously, Hashbrown, Nigelbuibui, feeder (gosh, I am
#3 Reason : A reason which can answer “why now?”. I always lazy to blog cause I lazy to type Chinese, then suddenly I realise I can type in English! (thanks to Hashbrown) Stupid me (whack whack *.#) Ridiculous reason huh? Guess so~~
#4 Reason : Last but not least,Thx to Xiao Mei, your “write blog ah? Can’t find de?” give me a great motivation to blog immediately! (lazy people definitely need motivation.)
I think I am definitely stupid in blogging, I don’t know how to change all those settings, modify the appearance and worst case I FORGET what is my blogspot!! Luckily I haven close the last window...phew! (anybody teach me?anybody?)
P.s : type English is faster but still not fast enough to catch up my thinking, MY THINKING IS TOO FAST!